by Tamara Rose Blodgett
It is hard to know what genre to label this book as, at it covers a multitude of genres and does it incredibly well. Although I have used the genre of Young Adult, I would recommend it be the older young adult, as there are topics of violence, abuse and rape covered in this story - all within their ...
And I can see why! This is all about a young, abused princess who stands tall despite what the evil queen says and does. I have no idea where this series is going with these ideas and this kind of start...but it is a good series. So far, this is YA (remember, I HATE YA so if I recommend YA, ther...
Closer to 2.5 stars, really. It took damn near forever to get moving. Everyone is trying to kidnap this girl. And then a crappy excuse for some sexual drama at the end. Ugh. I was frustrated the entire time I read this. Not interested in the love-quadrangle coming up in the sequel.
Unfortunately I had too many problems with this book as in with its world-building and characters alike to actually enjoy it.It seems to me this dystopia was a clash of too many ideas, which together created a great mess. The world is separated into savages and so-called aristocratic society stuck ...