by Nick James
3.5 stars.This will be brief....Characters weren't the best but I didn't want to kill them and these days, that's a feat in itself. I loved Cassius more than anyone else. He was my broken, kinda-on-the-wrong-side, bad ass boy.
This is your garden variety Young Adult coming of age story. The main protagonist is an adolescent 15 year old, living on a sky ship going to an academy that is secretly training agents, in a post apocalyptic future where pearls fall from the sky. The energy that is taken from these pearls powers e...
This is a hard one to review - count that as 3.5 stars. It didn't match up to my expectations. I was expecting a sort of sci-fi/steampunk story. What I got was not really that, though to say what it IS would be spoilery. The good: That said, its a good, fast paced adventure. The world feels suitably...
It's a very promising start. Some many good things and bad things about this book. I loved Cassius. Part of me wishes he were the narrator. A huge part of me actually. I felt like the end was wrapped up rather quickly. It just didn't fit with the rest of the book.
****Holy crap I just wrote a long review and the whole thing vanished when I tried to re-write one word in it.****I'm not interested in trying to say that all over again, so let me hit the basics up. The synopsis is misleading, the characters all lack oomph and development, the world building is mi...
Sort of dystopian, but in a very different vein than most others. I liked it, though I totally called one of the big twists. The whole thing was very clearly a setup for a series, which is fine. Just expect a fair number of unresolved points. [Oct. 2011]
2.5 stars. I have to admit that I didn't enjoy this much although I liked the setting and the idea. Partly to blame is my inability to like any member of the cast. The last third of the book was only a frantic rush from page to page in an effort to get it over. I felt like I was too far in to let it...