Book: The Perfume Collector Author: Kathleen Tessaro Genre: Fiction/Paris/Perfumer/Inheritance/Two Time Lines Summary: London, 1955: Grace Monroe is a fortunate young woman. Despite her sheltered upbringing in Oxford, her recent marriage has thrust her into the heart of London’s most refined a...
The Perfume Collector by Kathleen Tessaro successfully sets out to appeal to the senses and tell a story through images. The book spans two generations; it's easily guessed where the story ends. However, the descriptions in the book - about Paris, about World War II, about the perfume industry - are...
The Perfume Collector is a historical fiction book about two women. Grace Monroe is married and trying to fit into her husband's social circle in 1950s London. She receives a message to travel to Paris where she is to inherit the estate of Eva d'Orsey. A person she has never known. The story altern...
The Perfume Collector1955 Grace Monroe finds her husband cheated on her and is given an inheritance. Book also follows Eva Dorsey in Paris and she has been told she must stop drinking.An abandoned perfume shop and all the secrets they hold. Loved when she found the shop with all the vials and they ...
Grace is one half of a marriage that hasn't worked. But she gets a second chance to create a life for herself when she gets a letter from a French attorney about an inheritance from a woman she's never heard of! This inheritance is no nickel and dime one either, especially if she can discover out wh...
A quick read, in a pattern I recognized (bouncing between two linked life histories) - but it's a pattern I like, so that's fine. The link between the two lives was easily guessed, and confirmed fairly early on for anyone paying attention, so it's not really a mystery in any sense; the pleasure of t...
This bittersweet historical novel is the kind of engrossing, dramatic read I love for summer. Alternating between two women in two different decades, the story snaps along with dynamic characters, a non-mystery mystery (really, it's less a mystery and more a winding path to the answer) and an intri...
Flipping back and forth between Grace and Eva, The Perfume Collector explores identity and how perceptions are not always reality. As Grace rushes to resolve the mystery of her unknown benefactor, the final truth, once revealed, is nothing she expects to find. At the same time, the woman Grace disco...
Oh, brother. This is the kind of book that gives the historical fiction genre a bad name. It's really more of chick lit, at best.The premise was rather fanciful, and the characters were either one-dimensional or inconsistent and unbelievable as real people. The mystery was very easily guessed pre...
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