by Will Elliott
Katherine Dunn's Geek Love is one of those rare books that truly disturbed me. Since I'm frequently looking for the next Good Horror novel, and since I know that Geek Love was one of those, seeing The Pilo Family Circus mentioned in the same breath as Geek Love was enough to convince me to read it....
“The women, dressed up like glazed hams and glistening in the heat, were trying to look like they belonged on the set of Sex and the City. Watch them closely and you could see the mannerisms of the American starlets they idolized; the gestures, the nuances of speech, grabs at being sassy. Meanwhile ...
I did not expect that ending. I expected the ending from the John Cusack/Ray Liotta movie, IDENTITY. This one started off devilishly good. Original, dark, funny-as-hell, nasty, twisted, and more words and stuff and things. I loved it. Every paragraph had me either disgusted, intrigued, or laughin...
Jamie is minding his own business when he spots some creepy clowns about town acting more than a wee bit strange. One drops a small bag containing some suspicious powder. When the coast is clear, Jamie picks it up and brings it home.Well, wouldn’t you?!This little incident of finders keepers brings ...
I am not entirely sure how to review this one. The story idea was very unique and I thought many of the characterizations were quite excellent. It seemed to be flirting with brilliance, but... *mild spoilers*The first few chapters of this started off great and I thought I was in for a brutal and vi...
These crazy clowns cause such a ruckus.It's not your average circus.They present false smiles,in painted faces.Trip you upwith knotted laces.They make strange noises,peeps and whines.This job ain't no joke.It's a real crime.Do what you're told, Don't make the Pilo's blue.Step on their toes,and it's ...
I missed my calling. Shoulda been a clown.
Clowns are creepy, I'll give you that much... That being said, this book just really didn't do it for me.
If nothing else, The Pilo Family Circus will be as original a horror novel as you will ever read. Sporting equal parts of Dante's Inferno and the Barnum & Bailey Circus, Will Elliott's surreal clown story will probably give you nightmares for a few nights. There has always been something dark about ...
An excellent debut. A pleasure to read throughout, although I did feel a bit sullied at times while reading it.