by Jennifer Ashley
After book 1 in the Regency Pirates series, I was very much interested to read James' story. I looked forward to watching his downfall to love and to find out what kind of lady would win him. I was very pleased with his story and with his lady love, Diana. Beautiful story, great chemistry between ...
This story was disjointed, repetitive and frankly a bit boring. I never connected with the characters and the over-use of the word firedrove me batty. It took me 4 days to get through this book, and it's ridiculous editing errors.Glad to be done.
A bit more complex (plot-wise) than I prefer my historical romance.
Pooooof!!! Mamma mia che fatica!
If you have not read The Pirate Next Door, book one in the series I suggest you start with that one.James an American Pirate Hunter is on a mission to kill the pirate who murdered his brother and his family. James has been searching high and low for the infamous Black Jack Mallory. It would be safe ...
Ever since i read The Pirate Next Door i wanted to know who would take James Ardmore down, =) who would stand up to him and not let him bully anyone around with his dark eyes. Here´s Diana Worthing, a widow living with her deaf daughter and her father on an island named Haven. James abducted her one...