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The Portrait of a Lady - Community Reviews back

by Henry James, Nicola Bradbury
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Calyre rated it 6 years ago
- Il se meurt faute d'un mot d'encouragement. Je revois son visage, son air grave et absorbé pendant que je lui parlais. Je n'ai jamais vu un homme laid paraître aussi beau.- Vous m'aurez grandement obligée!- Et quelle sera ma récompense?- Vous voulez être récompensé d'un acte généreux?- Oui, quand ...
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents rated it 8 years ago
I'm sure this is one of those books that is supposed to be studied for greater meanings, but I didn't do that. I'm so aggravated at Isabel. She had so many people in her corner and still ends up with a POS man. I love her sweet cousin.
Julian Meynell's Books
Julian Meynell's Books rated it 9 years ago
Henry James is a difficult author to love, but an easy author to admire. Portrait of a Lady has many of the standard features of a 19th century novel. It has proposals, bad marriages, trips to exotic locations and sordid secrets. Also like many 19th century novels it is too long. James prose is ...
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd rated it 10 years ago
Well, I have to say that I finished this book the day after Back to the Future Day (which is probably not the best way to have celebrated that day, though it was quite interesting to note that my Facebook feed was flooded with news stories of how Marty McFly was arrested in multiple locations). In f...
My two cents
My two cents rated it 10 years ago
When we first meet Isabel, she is in the prime of her youth—beautiful, irresistible to men (every male character seems to eventually fall in love with her), intelligent, poised, vibrant, hungry for life, and marching to her own drums. She has all the potential to be an exceptional woman. To remove t...
The Boat Was My Friend
The Boat Was My Friend rated it 11 years ago
“Under certain circumstances there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.” “..she was very particular about the appearance of her linen” “it (i.e. the step) had an inquisitive, experimental quality which suggested that it would not st...
meganbaxter rated it 12 years ago
I just...I don't know. I have now read The Portrait of a Lady and I'm just feeling a little flat. Like I stubbed my toe on something invisible, and I'm not quite sure what. I'm not sure why this book didn't grab me, I only know it didn't. I didn't hate it, I was just a little bored by it, and that's...
Literatka kawy.
Literatka kawy. rated it 12 years ago
Pozycja z listy 1001 książek które musisz przeczytać przed śmiercią. Z panem Jamesem miałam okazję spotkać się na 3 roku studiów podczas omawiania Daisy Miller. No cóż, nie ma sensu ukrywać, iż utwór ten zupełnie nie przypadł mi do gustu. Fabuła była dla mnie przewidywalna, bohaterowie nie wz...
Paperback Castles
Paperback Castles rated it 13 years ago
It's been a couple of weeks since I finished "The Portrait of a Lady", and I have thought about it ever since. The story and its characters have been hunting me, lingering softly in the back of my mind, and I have desperately wanted to form a review, to find the right words to describe it. Sadly I h...
Anncleire rated it 13 years ago
Questo è uno dei miei libri preferiti, di un realismo sconcertante. E Henry James, scrittore americano, è di una bravura unica. Da leggere, assolutamente.
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