by Alastair Reynolds, John Lee, John Lee
“A starship built around a single massive engine designed to suck in interstellar hydrogen and use it for reaction mass. Because it didn’t have to carry its own fuel around, it could go almost as fast as it liked, right up to the edge of light-speed.” In “The Prefect” by Alastair Reynolds S...
Alastair Reynolds is an author I keep coming back to like a regular customer, for the simple reason that he is among the top three best sci-fi authors working today (I have no idea who the other two are, I just estimate that if I were to do a top three ranking he would be in it).The Prefect is set e...
I really disliked Pushing Ice, the last Reynolds' novel I read before this one. Nothing in that book rang true to me: characters, plot or action. As a result, I own that I may have been harsher in my reviews of Galactic North Tales from the Revelation Space Universe] and [b:The Six Directions of Spa...
A multi-faceted space opera detective story. It's detailed and pretty exciting, but a lot of characters are introduced in the first 20 pages or so, and it's a little hard to keep track of who's who when you don't know who are going to be the important ones (clue: they all are).The habitats of the Gl...
Alastair reynolds has become a highly competent writer of science fiction entertainments, able to balance his penchant for grotesquery and Gothicism with characters it is possible to like. In my view he has been more successful when limiting the scope of any given novel to one aspect of his larger ...