by Susan Sizemore
*sigh* I really, really wanted to like this book. And with the first prologue or chapter ( I can't remember now) it looked so promising. But I think at about 100 pages in was when I realized I couldn't do it anymore. It was not what I wanted it to be. I think the summary is a bit misleading first of...
Didn't work for me at all. I kepr hoping so I finished it.
Meninas, mais um 5 estrelas!! Ótimo livro da Suzan Sizermore, que eu nunca tinha ouvido falar, mas que o Dear Author (, recomendou com um resenha daquelas!Há muitos anos uma menina, Sherie, foi feita prisioneira de piratas na Ásia e estava prestes a ser vendida como escrava branca, at...
The Price of Innocence is a product of the 1990's with its big emotions, descriptive language, and just enough of plot to feed my overactive imagination. Had I read it when it was first published in 1996--at the precocious age of thirteen--I would have loved it. For those nostalgic reasons alone, I ...
Two long lost lovers meet again and old mysteries get answered. Sherri has come to London with her family and meets a man she never thought she´d see in a respectable setting. Earl of PenMartyn, Jack, never could forget her, and now that he´s got a future maybe she could love him again? At the same ...
I received this from net galley, and received no compensation for this review.I have no idea what to rate this. On the positive side it's engrossing. I tried reading two other other books I received from net galley as well, but couldn't get into either of them...but the price of innocence pulled ...