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The Proposal (The Survivors' Club #1) - Community Reviews back

by Mary Balogh
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Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 8 years ago
Entertaining story of a woman being rescued and then rescuing the hero.
WhiskeyintheJar Romance
WhiskeyintheJar Romance rated it 9 years ago
This felt strangely dispassionate in its passion. Maybe too stiff upper lip for me? Not sure but I really started to enjoy the couple more towards the end when they began to warm up to each other, teasing and being a little feisty. Definitely keeping on with the series. Thank you to all that recomm...
Carolyn Cannot Live Without Books!
Carolyn Cannot Live Without Books! rated it 9 years ago
Very sweet book, although I thought the back and forth of thinking this will work and then that it won't went on a little too long. 3-1/2 stars
Olga Godim
Olga Godim rated it 9 years ago
I loved this book. I like most books by this author, so I wasn’t surprised. Looking back though my reviews, I can see that I read and reviewed this novel before, when it first came out in 2012, but I didn’t remember the story, so it felt like a fresh read. The tale is a classic historical romance. G...
Emily S
Emily S rated it 10 years ago
Loved this book! Now I just need to find myself someone like Hugo.
Sarah's Library
Sarah's Library rated it 11 years ago
15/08 - This wasn't too bad, but I would have enjoyed much more if Trentham had been less clinical during the sex scenes. I felt like I was reading a step-by-step manual - 1. put your hand here 2. now kiss her here, and so on. I felt like saying to Balogh "just because they're old (30s), doesn't m...
Sarah's Library
Sarah's Library rated it 11 years ago
15/08 - This wasn't too bad, but I would have enjoyed much more if Trentham had been less clinical during the sex scenes. I felt like I was reading a step-by-step manual - 1. put your hand here 2. now kiss her here, and so on. I felt like saying to Balogh "just because they're old (30s), doesn't m...
Sarah's Library
Sarah's Library rated it 11 years ago
15/08 - This wasn't too bad, but I would have enjoyed much more if Trentham had been less clinical during the sex scenes. I felt like I was reading a step-by-step manual - 1. put your hand here 2. now kiss her here, and so on. I felt like saying to Balogh "just because they're old (30s), doesn't m...
Aly's Miscellany
Aly's Miscellany rated it 11 years ago
CarrieJ rated it 11 years ago
3.5 Stars I liked The Proposal. I read it in one sitting but in certain places the book would have the same sentence a few lines down. I would go back to check to make sure that I wasn't reading the same paragraph again. I wasn't it was just the same sentence. This bothered me a little. Both the ...
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