by Tracie Peterson
This book was really different in a way of a Romance book. You some what learn to keep faith along with hope. Some things really happen once tragically happen to one particular family. Things begin to change though out the book. Doe god start to heal their hearts and wounds?
This book was really different in a way of a Romance book. You some what learn to keep faith along with hope. Some things really happen once tragically happen to one particular family. Things begin to change though out the book. Doe god start to heal their hearts and wounds?
My word(s) for this book would be: Thought ProvokingNow while this is Not my normal genre of reading material, I found the story well written in my opinion. The storyline was smooth to follow, thus allowing me to sit down and read it in a single evening. It evoked some thoughts of my own past and ho...
The Quarryman's Bride by Tracie Peterson1880's, St. Cloud MN. Loved the first book in this series, The Icecutter's Daughter and the timeframe. Was so happy to learn I could get this one and the next.Emmalyne Knox and her father are staying at her fiancee Tavin MacLachlan family house due to the torn...