by T. Kingfisher
The Raven and the Reindeer is Ursual Vernon's (under her 'grown-up book author' pen-name of T. Kingfisher) retelling of The Snow Queen. It's fantastic, bloody, and dark without loosing the magic that is fairy tales. Vernon has a kind of no-nonsense, logic based method to her storytelling that appeal...
Retelling of classic fairy tales is fraught with danger. On one side lies the sugar overload (think Disney). On the other – the violent darkness of modern fantasy. Few found the golden middle, and T. Kingfisher is one of them. Her retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen is by turns hil...
Die Teenager Kay und Gerta kennen sich seit ihrer Geburt und verbringen viel Zeit miteinander. Doch während Gerta sich beinahe bis zur Lächerlichkeit anbiedert um Kays Zuneigung zu gewinnen, macht der sich eines Nachts mit der Schneekönigin davon. Gerta, die nur zusehen kann wie der Freund verschwin...
A nicely written, fairly entertaining version of the Hans-Christian fairy tale "The Snow Queen" by T Kingfisher (aka Ursula Vernon). I didn't enjoy this story as much as "Bryony and Roses" and "The Seventh Bride", but I suspect that has much to do with "The Snow Queen" tale which I have never been ...