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The Reapers Are the Angels - Community Reviews back

by Alden Bell, Tai Sammons
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Wortmagieblog rated it 5 years ago
Werden Autor_innen postapokalyptischer Literatur nach dem Reiz des Genres gefragt, geben sie oft unspezifische Antworten, die sich auf die Faszination der Angst und der Abgründe des menschlichen Wesens beziehen. Deshalb war ich positiv überrascht, als ich Alden Bells Antwort auf diese Frage in einem...
Lornographic Material
Lornographic Material rated it 9 years ago
I've debated back and forth on whether or not to post a review for this book because I have nothing new to add to the conversation. But that got me thinking. What is a conversation other than the sharing of opinions and ideas? So what if a book has umpteen million reviews. So what if none of my frie...
No More Booklikes, BYE
No More Booklikes, BYE rated it 10 years ago
4.4 stars Quick and dirty-Bloody, Gore Filled, Putrid, Rotting, flesh eating zombie story all centered around a fifteen year old survivor. (Not a YA read)This is what I want in zombies, disgusting stinky hungry monsters. There is not a moment of doubt that these nasties want to eat, rip and kill all...
carolesrandomlife rated it 10 years ago
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life.Somewhere along the way, I have decided that I love zombies. I have to admit that The Walking Dead probably has been a large part of my new found love of all things zombies. When this book came across my feed on Goodreads, I just know that I wa...
Yzabel rated it 10 years ago
I'm a bit torn about this one.Part of me found it beautiful (if in a weird, experimental way, what's with the narrative style nd absence of dialogue quotation marks). What matters isn't the destination, nor the exact "how", but the journey itself, on a different kind of level.However, the other part...
CrowdedMinds a.k.a. Rita
CrowdedMinds a.k.a. Rita rated it 11 years ago
Great book, almost gave it 5 stars. Very unforgettable, kind of what you'd expect to see in a post-apocalyptic zombie novel that is NOT about the gore and the horror. I'm not going to summarise for you what the book is about; I suggest instead that you go read it for yourself in stead! :-) One littl...
Litchick's Hit List
Litchick's Hit List rated it 11 years ago
I had this crazy dream about zombies the other night. I can’t remember a goddamn thing about it now and the aftermath is a little fuzzy but apparently when I woke up I was convinced that they were in the house because I shot straight up in bed and screamed “THEY’RE COMING UP THE STAIRS!” My fiancé h...
SilverThistle rated it 11 years ago
I have a love hate relationship with zombies. On the one hand I hate them because they scare the bejeesus out of me. On the other hand, I love them because as soon as the zombies arrive I'm 99% guaranteed that the story takes a turn towards one of my most favourite genres. Apocalyptic. I LOVE end of...
Nightgate Inn
Nightgate Inn rated it 11 years ago
4,5 / 5The Reapers Are The Angels, by Alden Bell, is a book about Temple, a young girl who is forced to travel through an post-apocalyptic, de-civilized and zombified America. As usual, I will avoid going into too much detail describing what this book is about, you can read that up there ^. Instead,...
The Book Frog
The Book Frog rated it 12 years ago
Every day is a struggle when your species is no longer at the top of the food chain. Fifteen year old Temple has never known an existence free of quotidian scrabbling for food, shelter, and clothing. She grew up knowing how to kill when necessary; in particular, she grew up knowing how to administ...
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