by Chrissy Munder
A wonderful read that'll warm your heart and makes you believe in fate.
I probably read this short story at least 5 times in the past few months. I just love it so much! I would've liked to see this as a novel-length book though. I love love love road-trip books, and this would've made an AMAZING one. But anyways, even if this one's really short, I still think it was am...
Adam Everett scrambles to find someone to share a trip to Flint, after his original driver bailed to be with the girlfriend on the last minute. After searching information for campus ride exchange (and a little begging), Adam ends up with the reluctant Michael Brennan. Unfortunately, snow-storm of t...
Very good short m/m holiday romance about a college student in the UP, trying to get to his sister's house in Flint for Christmas, who gets a ride from the rideshare board into "snowpocalypse." I especially enjoyed this story since I was reading it during what the local news stations dubbed "snowmag...