The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (Hitchhiker's Guide, #2)
Douglas Adams (author)
9780753112687 (075311268X)
Edition language: English
Series: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy -5 (#2)
No, szalone to było. Wariackie. Ale jakoś, dziwnym trafem, wszystko się ładnie zazębia i tworzy zaskakująco konsekwentną historię w tym odjechanym (wszech)świecie. A wyjaśnienie pochodzenia ludzkości na Ziemi wydaje się całkiem prawdopodobne.
Zaphod frappa la console avec fureur, ignorant les regards éberlués tournés vers lui. "Mon ancien moi est bien mort! délirait-il. Il s'est suicidé! Les morts ne devraient pas rester traîner dans les jambes des vivants!Le bassiste était occupé à mitrailler consciencieusement sa chambre tandis que le ...
I have read this many times as a teen and young adult, but not since I started my Goodreads account. Going back to it is supremely comforting. I'm rereading these books before bed, and it is great before bed reading. With things that I've read a lot, it's like revisiting a dream? Where my remembranc...
Martin Freeman is certainly one of the wonders of the world! I absolutely loved listening to this on my daily work commute, and I didn't even notice traffic! The story itself is deceptively light and ridiculous, but he just made it so much better! Not only did he have a distinguishable "voice" for e...
Well, this is annoying. Having just arrived back from Europe, and having travelled half way around a world you could say that I now have the holiday hangover – Jet Lag. Basically I have had about 10 hours sleep in total over the past four days, namely because I go to sleep and suddenly an hour later...