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The River Road - Benjamin Boucvalt
The River Road
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On the River Road, at a dark bend in the South, a shadow lives. And at that bend, a man and his slave are pulled together by a mysterious connection. The master inherits a plantation and plans to marry his love and put aside his past, while the slave lingers at his side, accepting of his place... show more
On the River Road, at a dark bend in the South, a shadow lives. And at that bend, a man and his slave are pulled together by a mysterious connection. The master inherits a plantation and plans to marry his love and put aside his past, while the slave lingers at his side, accepting of his place and detached from hope. But neither man has memories that can easily be forgotte
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Format: kindle
Publisher: Ghost Light Publishing
Edition language: English
Other editions (1)
Books by Benjamin Boucvalt
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