by Ayn Rand
I know a lot of people sneer at Ayn Rand and her admirers. But one would think the one thing they'd acknowledge is that she was a writer who knew how to tell a story. *thinks of reviews she's seen.* OK, maybe not. But even if I'm not an uncritical devotee, I for one do love her style, do, with some ...
Part IIII of multi-part review series.Nutshell: person who has read a half dozen novels and no literary theory writes treatise on literary theory.Opens with an dictionary definition of manifesto, regarding a declaration of intentions by an organization, then promptly states that this manifesto is ...
Explains Ayn Rand's views on art, which of course are in sync with her philosophy, Objectivism. Since I am long out of my Rand phase (age 20), I wouldn't read it again.