The Rules of Attraction
The Rules of Attraction is a dark comedy and satirical novel by Bret Easton Ellis published in 1987. The novel focuses on a handful of rowdy and often sexually promiscuous, spoiled bohemian college students at a liberal arts college in 1980s New Hampshire, primarily focusing on three of them who...
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The Rules of Attraction is a dark comedy and satirical novel by Bret Easton Ellis published in 1987. The novel focuses on a handful of rowdy and often sexually promiscuous, spoiled bohemian college students at a liberal arts college in 1980s New Hampshire, primarily focusing on three of them who find themselves in a love triangle. The novel is written in first person narra
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Format: Paperback
Publisher: Picador
Pages no: 327
Edition language: English
Note: The review below was taken from my Goodreads account. "No one ever likes the right person," I say."That's not true," he says. "I like you."That's not exactly what I meant or wanted to hear, but I ask him earnestly, "Do you?"There's a pause. "Sure. Why not?" he says. I really like Ellis's w...
I started off with high expectations of this book, and at the start I was enjoying the book, but by the end it was a bit of a struggle, thus the three stars.The book was well constructed and well written. The idea of seeing the same scene from different perspectives, and following on one scene to th...
I preferred the movie. i never prefer the movie.
The Rules of Attraction is one of the rare exceptions to my belief that books are always better than their film adaptations. I watched the film when it was first released in 2002 and loved it! (The DVD is now part of my collection.) But I didn't read the book until December 2010. I should've waited ...
Ah, Camden College. My first references to it came through Ellis' other books, but I soon found out about how it links authors Donna Tartt and Jill Eisenstadt, and apparently Jonathan Lethem too. 'From Rockaway' was my first real introduction to the Camden, it wasn't a fantastic book, but decent, so...