by David Nytra
Wow! I am deeply in love with this. And like anything we love it makes me both intensely happy and intensely sad. I am happy that things like this are being produced - beautiful, painstaking artwork with a deceptively simple and delightful storyline that conveys deep, deep meaning about the perils o...
The Secret of the Stone Frog: The backcover blurb says this book is in a magical world unlike any you’ve seen before," but I felt like I've seen or read about these worlds before in books like Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Wizard of Oz, etc. It is a great ...
A deluxe edition Toon Book, with decked pages, and an 80 page story of a brother and sister who awake in a fantastic dream world and try to find their way home with the help of stone frogs. Amazing illustrations. Echoes of the Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan.