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The Secret Scripture: A Novel - Community Reviews back

by Sebastian Barry
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Sterek rated it 12 years ago
This is such a strange story. But at the same time I’m left with a sense of ease and.. well, of comfort after finishing it.And that may sound strange when I now start to tell you what it’s about.First we meet Roseanne, a patient at an ‘asylum’, as they called it at that time in the 50’s. Rosanne, is...
Shelly's Book Journal
Shelly's Book Journal rated it 15 years ago
I'd probably give this three and a half stars. It was on a two star track for a good while. Really, it's a sad and morbid story of a lost woman. It seems rather hopeless, but as all the pieces of the story seem to come together towards the end, there is in fact light and hope.
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