Other thoughts/reviews:Acid Free Pulp: http://acidfreepulp.com/2013/06/20/the-shadow-of-the-wind-carlos-ruiz-zafon/
Amazing story! A must read.Review coming soon.
All'inizio questo libro era così lento che credevo non sarei riuscito a farmelo piacere, poi per fortuna improvvisamente tutto è cambiato e ho iniziato veramente ad interessarmi alle vicende di Julian e compagni. Di Daniel invece, purtroppo, me ne è sempre importato molto poco. Non perché fosse un c...
A month later, I'm still blubbering over Shadow of the Wind. That's how amazing it is. It grabs hold of you and doesn't let go. It demands your thoughts in exchange of nothing. That's right, it gives you nothing in return, except sleepless nights, shock and a sense that few other books will ever...
Here is one for those of us who absolutely adore great literature. It is almost as though The Shadow of the Wind was written for book lovers everywhere. An adrenaline laced, pulse pounding, suspense filled, dark and romantic, gothic adventure, peopled with brilliantly developed, colourful, charismat...