by Jacqueline West, Lexy Fridell
Ms. McMartin was definitely dead. - Opening sentence Something was moving inside the painting, a tiny white shape flitting between the silhouettes of the wiry trees. - Chapter 2 She couldn't leave the basement lights on all day, with the environment already in such bad shape. - Chapter 3 "A ho...
The Shadows is the first book in a series, The Books of Elsewhere by Jacqueline West. Ms. McMartin, an elderly woman, has died and her house is now vacant. Alec and Alice Dunwoody, a couple of mathematicians, soon own the home. They and their daughter, Olive, find themselves in what seems to be a ne...
Let me start off by saying that Lexy Fridell has a perfect voice with which to narrate the books in the Books of Elsewhere series. She's got that high-ish Lisa Simpson voice, and that works for these books since our main character is an 11 year old girl. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to deal with F...
I was unexpectedly delighted by this book. While the premise -- a pair of magical glasses that allows an 11-year-old girl to go into paintings -- wasn't one that grabbed me initially, adding a few talking cats to the mix was sufficient to pique my interest. The book itself is wonderfully atmospheric...
Very fun read, especially on audio. I loved the narrator's voices. It's interesting to see how so much action can be built into one setting or location.
Loved this one.
Good little book, a bit creepy! Read my review here.
2010 Debut Author ChallengeThis is one of very few middle-grade offerings from debut authors this year and it is such a great read. My younger sister effectively swiped this after I brought it home and finished it before I did. Part spooky mystery, partly a journey of growth, it is entirely enjoyabl...
Inventive and fun. Thoroughly enjoyable. Need a re read.
Solid but unexceptional old-house-with-magical-secrets kiddie fantasy.