The Shell Seekers
9780450424618 (0450424618)
Edition language: English
European Literature,
British Literature,
Book Club,
Adult Fiction,
Historical Fiction,
Womens Fiction,
Chick Lit,
World War II
Even though I gave this five stars, I do want to say that the back and forth between timelines got a bit much after a while. I still loved this book, but when I re-read it in the future, I will probably just skip over that and stay mostly in the present parts of this book. "The Shell Seekers" fol...
3.5 Stars A beautifully written character driven novel about family and life, love and loss, greed and hope, a book that has the charm and eloquence of books from a bygone era, just a good old fashioned family saga, a story with real characters and places that are interesting and vivid.I had never ...
bookshelves: hardback, one-penny-wonder, paper-read, currently-reading, tbr-busting-2014, britain-england, cotswolds, aga-saga, summer-2014, anti-q-s, art-forms, chick-lit, filthy-lucre, families, autumn-2014, bedside Read from November 13, 2013 to October 12, 2014 Large Print EditionDedication...
Long and intricate story that was far from what I typically read. I definitely enjoyed it. Review to come.
Pilcher delivers an engrossing family saga of a British family through four generations. Mostly set in the mid-1980s, it weaves in tales going back to World War II. At the center of the tale is sixty-four year old Penelope Keeling, the daughter of a renowned painter. She possesses only one finished ...