by Rosalind Abel
Lamont Price’s romance novels have been a hit for the past few years. With his gorgeous looks, kind heart, and tender disposition, Lamont is the darling of Lavender Shores. He’s the guy everyone wants to be their best friend, the guy everyone wants to protect. But even with his success and the love ...
"Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practise To Deceive..." Lamont Price, Andrew's older half-brother, is an author of M/F romances under a female pseudonym, attending his first romance book conference and about to come clean to his readers. He's nervous, understandably, not only because h...
Book – The Shipwreck (Lavender Shores #4)Author – Rosalind AbelStar rating - ★★★★★No. of Pages – 311Cover – Gorgeous!POV – 1st person, dual POVWould I read it again – YES!Genre – LGBT, Contemporary, Romance** I WAS GIVEN THIS BOOK FOR MY READING PLEASURE **Reviewed for Divine MagazineI was so thrill...
Well, I have to say I was rather blown away by this one. Now I will confess, I first saw the posting for this ARC in Brandon Witt’s group and was so excited to see a new Witt that I immediately went to obtain my copy. Well…it took actually getting the file for me to realize that this was actually ...