by Diane Stanley
The Silver Bowl delivers a mix of fantasy and action-adventure, where our hero/servant/slave-girl Molly, learns to use her powers to fight against an evil curse that is placed upon a royal family. Being one who likes a lot of action in a story, I found this to be slow at the beginning, though it pic...
In case you didn't know, I read a LOT of juvenile fiction. Love it! This book was no exception. Stanley wrote a fascinating story that I had no trouble getting through.Molly is the daughter of a drunken tailor, sent to work at the royal castle when she is just seven years old. Slowly, she works ...
The Silver Bowl by Diane Stanley: Fantastic everyday details, which are always nice, especially in fantasy. I liked the resolution of the plot and especially the way the relationships ended. However, I was confused by the setting which didn't seem to quite know if it was a fairy tale world or ours. ...