by Anne Ursu, Eric Fortune
Well after reading [b:The Shadow Thieves|332854|The Shadow Thieves (Cronus Chronicles, #1)|Anne Ursu||323387], I wasn't sure I was going to continue this series - it's just too childish. But once again I needed a "U" author so I figured what the h...
If anyone could take on the Greek gods by herself, it's Charlotte Mielsweatski. She proved that she was more than capable in The Shadow Thieves, and now she's taking on the all-powerful Lord of the Seas, Poseidon. But, you see, he picked the fight. Poseidon is a very vain god, full to the brim wi...
The middle book. The weak link. It has it's moments for sure but my least favorite of the series. Still good and very funny.
The Possum didn't seem to need a refresher on the first book, but the PandaBat did. I was amused by what's been going on in Charlotte's life. The therapist scene is killing me.***Things are getting interesting. The American History cruise is killing me.***Last night reading took us to the Mall with ...