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The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinctions - David Quammen
The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinctions
by: (author)
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In Darwin's time, island biogeography was the science that opened Victorian minds to the wonder of evolution. Today with all the world's wild landscape being chopped into island-like fragments, it's the science of jeopardy and extinction. This book combines science, historical narrative and travel.
In Darwin's time, island biogeography was the science that opened Victorian minds to the wonder of evolution. Today with all the world's wild landscape being chopped into island-like fragments, it's the science of jeopardy and extinction. This book combines science, historical narrative and travel.
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Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9780091801960 (0091801966)
ASIN: 0091801966
Publisher: Scribner
Pages no: 702
Edition language: English
Books by David Quammen
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