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The Specialist (Men Out of Uniform) - Community Reviews back

by Rhonda Nelson
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BAVR Eats the Books
BAVR Eats the Books rated it 12 years ago
GIFs ahead!A dueling search for a pocket watch once owned by General Robert E. Lee brings Major Brian Payne, "The Specialist," and ex-Army hottie Emma Langsford together at a cozy Gettysburg Inn. Emma's in it for the money. Payne's in it because he owes a favor to the guy who got him out of the mili...
What I'm reading
What I'm reading rated it 13 years ago
Barely two stars and it's only because Emma rocks. Payne is too much of a pain for me even care. Macho and bully. No matter how handsome he's not appealing at all. The story is one long cliché and doesn't really matter. Too bad Emma despite her violet eyes (I did say it was one long cliché) couldn't...
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