by Katy Simpson Smith
The Story of Land and Sea follows two generations of fathers and daughters and a mother and son. Asa is a small turpentine plantation owner who is raising a young daughter, Helen, by himself. Helen is strong willed, independent and devout. For Helen's tenth birthday, she is given a young slave, Mo...
THE STORY OF LAND AND SEA is beautifully written with exquisite prose. The main character is Helen whose story is told before and after her death along with the tale of her husband, her father, her daughter, and Moll, a slave from the plantation and Helen's friend. You will follow the characte...
The Story of Land and Sea by Katy Simpson Smith is a story of the parent-child relationship and of loss. The story is not told chronologically, but the constant focus on parenting and loss rather than the time and place provide its own continuity throughout the book. The book is not an easy read, bu...
In 1793 ten-year-old Tabitha is smitten with the idea of the sea. Her father, John, an erstwhile pirate and soldier in the Continental Army, owns a shop in Beaufort, NC. Tab