by Anonymous, Jean Thesman
4.5 Stars.I've personally always LOVED retellings, especially when they are DONE well.This is the retelling of the Arabian Nights tale. Beautifully thought out and detailed. From the first pages it entices you to read further. I know I was. The Storyteller is the heart of the story, just how they me...
Have I mentioned that I love Cameron Dokey's retellings? SO SO MUCH.So, this one is a retelling of The Arabian Nights. This wasn't as good as the author's other retellings, but it was still good.I haven't read the original story of The Arabian Nights, but I've read another retelling of it in [b:Girl...
My favorite of the Once Upon a Time series, Dokey weaves many tales into one main story creating a highly enjoyable experience for readers. Told in an old style narrative, readers are instantly enchanted by the first line all the way to the last. A quick, easy read The Storyteller's Daughter is perf...
A retelling of Sherazad. I picked it up expecting something else, but it was enjoyable. Some magic, mystery and romance, it's a very solid read for a young girl. I've never read the original, but this focused much more on Sherazad's story and her life than it did on the stories she told.
Unusual but lovely. It's in an older style so modern inductees into the YA genre probably won't like it. It reminds me of books I read on long dusty car rides in Tuscon so it made me happy. All in all a win!
From just read two YA novels retelling the story of the Arabian Nights. The biggest problem with a modern version of this story, at least for a YA audience, turns out to be rehabilitation* of Shahrayar, the Sultan who is betrayed by his wife, kills ...
I'm not the target audience for this book. Right now, I looked at all the wonderful reviews of this novel and wonder if the people read the same book I did. Maybe I'm too picky.Go read any translation of nights instead of this.I have problems with this book. The first is that the character of Sha...
I quite enjoyed this retelling of the fairytale "A Thousand and One Nights," frequently called "Arabian Nights." It is one of the better crafted installments of the "Once Upon A Time" series.The blindness was a nice addition, though I wish that it were a bit longer, more fully explained, with some m...
I'm a sucker for retellings of fairytales ... this was a great one.