by rupi kaur
This is one of those books were I feel like I shouldn't even write a review, cause I will never be capable to put into words how amazing this is. See, amazing, that doesn't even come close to what this book and those poems actually made me feel. But I couldn't just slap a 5 star raiting on this and...
Dopo aver AMATO alla follia (o quasi) Milk & Honey sono rimasta delusissima da questo "sequel" Milk & Honey per me è stato un libro importante, non solo per le meravigliose perle contenute e per il messaggio che è riuscito a trasmettermi forte e chiaro ma anche per il fatto che dopo SECOLI mi sono p...
what is strongerthan the human heartwhich shatters over and overand still lives The first book of the year! And what a good pick it was. I enjoyed this volume more than her first one. I related to it more and found myself Snapchatting/saving a ton of pages. As usual, Ms. Kaur writes about difficult ...