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The Sweet One - Community Reviews back

by Andi Anderson
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Reader's Discretion Advised
Reader's Discretion Advised rated it 12 years ago
Not a particularly earth-shattering story. In fact, the ideas have been done before. Or rather, I've read another story with pretty much the exact same resolution to the premise and such (but I read that one first, so this one will just have to suffer, to quote Simon aka Templar of M. Chandler). In ...
Jess rated it 12 years ago
I think this author's style just doesn't work for me, as I couldn't get into this one, either.
The Xfit Reader
The Xfit Reader rated it 14 years ago
Awww I loved this cute, little short story! I wish it could have been longer but it packed in a wonderful lesson about love and sacrifice. Sometimes rules demand to be broken. :)
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