by Neal Stephenson, Simon Prebble, Kevin Pariseau
The third book in Neal Stephenson’s The Baroque Cycle is the best. Strangely enough Daniel Waterhouse, my least favorite protagonist, is the star and leads us to an exciting conclusion. The Baroque Cycle is a collection of eight books in three volumes; an opus of 3,000 pages to the Age of Enlight...
Review to follow.After this I read: Cold Days
Wrapped itself up very nicely after the previous book. Much more focused--Jack's storyline wasn't nearly as insane or hard to follow as in The Confusion (The Baroque Cycle, #2)...probably because this takes over a shorter period of time. But I liked how, so many decades later, the characters have al...
Phew - that was something, spending 3 months in these books. The last one did have some parts that dragged, but I was glad that he managed to wrap it up without falling into a big morass of WTF as often happens with Stephenson.
I was tricked into reading this, but I'm glad because why else would I have started in on this 2700 page trilogy? Years ago Neal Stephenson intrigued and thrilled me with his cyber-punk classic "Snowcrash" so that I could see where he was going with "Diamond Age" a neo-victorian culture in an incred...
Overall, I found The Baroque Cycle rather tedious. But it did end pretty well. Ties in a bit more with Cryptonomicon. Had some actual tension and action...I still hold that these books really could have used a good editing, however. At many points, the characters were just being put through 'Philoso...