by Elizabeth Bear, Sarah Monette
The first thing that pops to mind is that this book is perfectly titled and that's not something you'll really get unless you read it. :) Once again, Monette and Bear throw you in the deep end of their intricate and perfectly wonderful worlds. The names are strange to the tongue and eye, there a...
I'm going to be honest with you, I'm a little bit disappointed in this book. I guess that's why it took me so long to do a review - I didn't want to say anything bad about it, but there really wasn't much to say.Let me start with the positive - we get glimpses of other people's points of view this t...
I feel a bit bad giving this a less-than-great review, because I kind of didn’t expect to love it: I read the previous volume, A Companion to Wolves, and wasn’t captivated – perhaps it was unfair of me to read this at all. However, I love absolutely everything else that Sarah Monette has ever writte...
I was so looking forward to reading this! I was left astounded by the intricate relationship and story telling in the first novel. And having to wait the order the second novel to arrive felt unbearably long.And now I kind of feel cheated of my expectations out of this book. I was ready to continue ...
In [b:Companion to Wolves|333356|A Companion to Wolves (Iskryne World, #1)|Sarah Monette||2703562], Bear and Monette presented a dark and grim twist on the classic fantasy trope of telepathic bonds with animals. Men were forced to give up their expe...
I started this book with equal parts eagerness and trepidation, because I truly adored A Companion to Wolves, so I was surely setting myself up for disappointment with unreasonable expectations. And I was right, kind of. I did like this book. These are the same fantastic settings and characters t...