by Jon Clinch
Extremely well-written, a joy to read despite the bleak subject. I really cared about Max and his parents. Even the Nazis were portrayed sympathetically, or at least they were not just evil cardboard cutouts. The only question I have unanswered is: the first line states that Auschwitz took one year ...
I finished this book this morning and immediately marked it as finished on Goodreads and gave it a four-star rating. After lunch, when I was more lucid, I couldn't really think of why I would give it a four. Yes, it was good. It was intriguing. There was nothing outstandingly terrible about it.....
This was a really great read, except for two issues:1) Most of the book takes place in Auschwitz, but there are small chapters that take place in present day New York City. The present day scenes are very out of place and confusing. I think they would have been better placed at the end.2) The parent...
10/26/12 SA
10/26/12 SA
The whole continent was on its last legs, shot full of holes and staggering forward, trying with every last bit of strength not to fall into its own grave.(Fictional) Auschwitz survivor and painter, Max, recalls the time he and his family spent in Auschwitz and the lengths his parents went through t...