by Kiki Hamilton
Posted on Dark Faerie Tales.The Torn Wing is the next story in Kiki Hamilton’s The Faerie Ring series. Hamilton has done a fantastic job bringing her unique fae world into the forefront, introducing lore and myth alongside strong characters. I have been a fan since the first book, and it’s no wonder...
Awesome book, I loved The Torn Wing!
Kiki Hamilton's TheFaerie Ring (first in the series) was one of my favorite YA reads last year and featured one of my favorite YA heroines, Tiki, so I was very excited to dive into the sequel The Torn Wing. And like its predecessor, The Torn Wing instantly transported me back to bustling Victorian L...
Since I was given the privilege of reading the first book in the Faerie Ring series, I was pretty pumped up and ready to read the second installment to the series. The Faerie Ring (a.k.a. the first book in the series) was both intriguing and unique. With it being set in England during the 1800’s, ...
The Torn Wing is book two in Kiki Hamilton’s The Faerie Ring series. The Faerie Ring was one of those books that took me by surprise. I really enjoyed it and could not wait to read The Torn Wing. Tiki’s life has completely changed and not all for the bad, but not all good either. In The Torn Wing we...
See more of my reviews sooner on The YA Kitten!The Faerie Ring didn't impress me much when I read it in February 2012, but I wanted to read on for two main reasons: I felt like Hamilton had the ability to improve upon her story and I wanted to see where it would go. Nowhere much, I can say now that ...