by Zecharia Sitchin, Bill Jenkins
How did civilization begin seemingly out of nowhere? And how did humanity evolve so fast in comparison to what had happened before? These are the questions that Zecharia Sitchin set to answer in his book, The 12th Planet, in which he purports that he found said answers in cuneiform text dating fro...
Read with an open mind. The author gives some compelling arguments on the creation and history of man.
All I can say, for now, is that this book is mind-opening!
bookshelves: tbr-busting-2012, spring-2012, published-1976, one-penny-wonder, paper-read Read in May, 2012 Imported from tablet:Opening: On the evidence that we have amassed to support out conclusions, exhibit one is man himself. In many ways, modern man - Homo sapiens - is a stranger to
The world mythology aspects to this book were great, and in itself make this worth reading. I suppose the scenario is plausible, although I have misgivings about certain aspects, including the technology, and the possible cause of the Deluge. All in all this was a fun book to read, but if Sitchin ...
Imported from tablet:one pennyarchaeologypseudo historypseudo sciencetbr bustingspring 2012alternative ideaspaperfaux non-fictionmythologypub 1976funOpening: On the evidence that we have amassed to support out conclusions, exhibit one is man himself. In many ways, modern man - Homo sapiens - is a st...
I like it only because it's such an over-the-top piece of pseudo-scientific clap trap that it's one of the most fun reading experiences I've ever had. It's a constant source of entertainment when I've got nothing else to do and have to kill some time.