by Stephenie Meyer
It is far from perfect and has some issues arguably, but I do think Ms. Meyer is a good writer w/ a very good understanding of what her readers want to read, & did avoid some common pitfalls of YA series that make them unreadable. imho these books while hardly groundbreaking do deserve to be bestsel...
The first book, Twilight, I loved. The second book I really liked. Breading Dawn, not so much actually. As a whole, I loved the series. I was pretty hooked. One of my favorites. I read all of them pretty much straight through, so I am really ready to start something new.
Like so many other readers, I loved all of the Twilight books. They're an easy read and the characters and the story really draws you in. My only criticism is that Stephenie Meyer repeats herself a bit when getting her point across when the reader got it the first time round. Other than than, I love...
Perfect ending with a neatly tied bow.
(Partly based on a conversation with G N F)- Hello. Thank you for answering our advertisement. Now, I'm going to give you a short presentation, and I'd like to measure your reactions. Just sit down here... I'm connecting this to your right wrist... this goes over your head... and, if you wouldn't mi...