by Lois Duncan
So we come to “The Twisted Window” by Lois Duncan thank you netgalley for the review copy.Tracy is living in a new town, feeling abandoned by her father she is trying to settle in. When the new boy in school, Brad, pays her attention, despite her misgivings she becomes friendly with him. Soon howeve...
The Twisted Window has the same feel as the teenager-in-peril books I devoured as a melodrama-loving kid, back in the early-to-mid '90s. I don't remember reading anything by Duncan but the book felt familiar anyway.In a nutshell: our heroine, Tracy, is approached by a boy named Brad, who asks for he...
Not what I expected. Ending was abrupt and not very clear. I enjoyed this up until the halfway point. Maybe I missed something. It was too short and didn't finish it's thoughts (if that makes sense). Also, the editing was a little screwy. One minute there was talk of a CD player, the next it was a c...
I was a fan of Lois Duncan when I was in high school. My favortite book by her is Summer of Fear. I remember being so creeped out by that book. When I saw that The Twisted Window was being re-issued with updates, I was curious to see if Ms. Duncan's books still held appeal for me. The Twisted Wi...
She thought of the little girl in the yellow sundress and of the child's mother, immobilized by loss. She tried to visualize the father, the horrendous "child-snatcher." Even his name had an evil ring to it, like the stage name of an actor who played villains.Brad is a teenager on a desperate miss...