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The Ultimate Betrayal - Community Reviews back

by Michelle Reid
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tishke rated it 12 years ago
Any way you look at it, cheating is a fast track to ruin a relationship. Trust is a very fragile thing and once broken, it can never regain the same credibility and value as it once held.In the post Clinton/ Lewinsky era, even physical cheating has found different categories. As a reader when I see ...
Romancekolik rated it 13 years ago
Bu yorum aynı zamanda Romancekolikte yayınlanmıştır.Rating; 4.5/5"Barışmaları daha değişik olabilirdi puan oradan kıstım." demişim bitirdiğimde. Aradan uzun bir zaman geçtikten sonra uzun bir yorum yazma şansı yakalayabildim. İçim sızlaya sızlaya okuduğum nadir kitaplar arasındandır. Konusu ise çok ...
The Romanceaholic
The Romanceaholic rated it 15 years ago
Holy cannoli was this a good book!It's a bit dated (obviously set in the 90's as the fashion's will attest lol), but other than that, wow. I don't normally intentionally read books involving infidelity, but I'm so glad I picked this one up.It's very realistic -- all the bitterness and anger and hurt...
Tina's Reading Books
Tina's Reading Books rated it 15 years ago
Rachel and Daniel have been married for 7 years and have 3 wonderful children when Rachel's 'Best Friend' tells her that Daniel has been sleeping around with another woman.When confronted, Daniel doesn't deny it and Rachel is devastated. Daniel insists that it is over and wants to make the marriage...
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