by Owen Wister, John G. Cawelti
An unconventional Western in that it's not full of shootouts and action. Could be that it's more of a novel of its time (early 1900's) and the genre hadn't been explored much by then.Follows the titular Virginian through the eyes of a visiting green-horn from the East, showing the experience and cha...
bookshelves: film-only, published-1902, western, skoolzy-stuff, classic, spring-2014, lifestyles-deathstyles, lit-richer, north-americas, adventure Recommended to ☯Bettie☯ by: Misfit Read on April 26, 2014 Description: In the untamed West, pioneers came to test their fortunes -- and their wills....
The Virginian, Oh What a Man! Wow, this was so good; I could not put it down. The Virginian is the most incredible, honest, honorable, handsome (sigh) hero to come along the pike in a long long time. And what a scamp, LOL at his plot to switch the babies (clothes and all) around, so that the parents...