by Charles Todd
Meh. That's about the best I can come up with. This book did nothing I hoped for when I wanted it to. When I wanted more Bess...nothing. More nursing...Elspath gets kicked out. (I'm sorry, that's not a spoiler. It was practically in neon lights from the moment she joined!) Lady Elspath Douglas ...
This is a good story. And after all, what is more important? I recommend this book if you like anything by Nicholas Sparks. It has that quality about it. The Charles Todd writing team is superb in every story they accomplish. This one doesn't have the suspense and the "bite" of the Ian Rutledge seri...
Audiobook version from Audible. Abandoned after 20 minutes. Not my kind of book - thought it was historical fiction with action/adventure.
I've read and loved every single book written by Charles Todd, but this didn't do it for me. I think the problem is with the length of the novel, and the pacing. There was too much story crammed into too little story.Usually in a Charles Todd novel, the major strength is in the characterization. The...
The Walnut Tree is simply expressed but enjoyable, written at a bias so you know which man you want to win Elspeth’s heart and hand, though you wonder how this will be accomplished when both are immensely appealing. The novel also briefly features Bess Crawford, a nurse who often finds herself inves...