by Crystal Jordan
Short story. 83 pages. Harsh conditions bring about harsh seductions. This story has it all and mean ALL!
I really liked the characters and the premise, but it didn't quite work for me - I thought the sexytimes were kind of boring. I actually think this would have worked so much better as a UF or part of a dystopia series (or whatever the genre or phrasing should be). I was more curious about the clans...
Really enjoyed overall. I'm glad that they are getting bonded but that they don't expect to only have sex with each other. That was the one thing that I was really worried about, them deciding that they aren't allowed to have sex with anyone else. Given the Wanderer lifestyle, that wouldn't work.
What an interesting world. Yet somewhat scary. What happened to Kadira's parents was just horrible! But I loved that she was able to talk about it with Ezra. I also love that Ezra was able to talk with Kadira about his shame growing up. And I loved that Ezra and Kadira ultimately understood each oth...