by S.S. Skye
Very enjoyable read, it almost felt like I was reading a side story to Megan Derr's Jewel Bonds series except the writing style was a bit different. I hope to see a sequel to this or at the very least another story based in the same world.
This review can be found at The Armchair Reader.Twelve years ago, Edander went to the Conservatory to try and control his fire power. Now that he can, he’s stuck at the Conservatory until he finds a bondmate, that one person who can stabilize his power so that he doesn’t spiral out of control. When ...
3.45*Edander has been at the Conservatory for what feels like forever, far from home and in a country where it always rains and is cold. I felt with the poor guy, I was meant for warmer places than I ended up too! :)But as a Mage without a bond mate they either lose control of their magic or go craz...