Written by an anonymous Russian Christian, the original manuscript for "The Way of a Pilgrim" and its sequel, "The Pilgrim Continues His Way," came into the hands of a monk on Mount Athos in the nineteenth century and was first published in 1884. These chronicles follow the author as he travels...
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Written by an anonymous Russian Christian, the original manuscript for "The Way of a Pilgrim" and its sequel, "The Pilgrim Continues His Way," came into the hands of a monk on Mount Athos in the nineteenth century and was first published in 1884. These chronicles follow the author as he travels through mid-nineteenth century Russia and Siberia, visiting monasteries and the shrines of the saints in order to "pray without ceasing." His journey leads him to a "starets," a Russian spiritual master who teaches him the spiritual discipline known as the Jesus Prayer - the uninterrupted mantra-like invocation of the name of Jesus. This extraordinary account brings to the West the soul of Eastern Christianity.
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