by Henry James, John Bayley, Patricia Crick
In Henry James, we rarely if ever have a villain - a real, horrible blackguard character for whom we feel morally adequate enough to pass severe judgment. There are characters with evil intentions, who do evil thing: who lie and undermine the hero or heroine, Mme. Merle and Gilbert Osmond, of The Po...
No question that James's prose was a challenge by this time in his career, though I found the later The Ambassadors much easier going and the most compelling of the two books (likely due to my responding to Lambert's age). There's a sort of shimmery pointillist effect with character that James pulls...
this was tedious for me.
Handsome Boyfriend and I are planning a two week respite on The Continent in October, moseying from Nice to Venice with stops in between. "Preparing for the trip' , HB has stocked up on new hiking and backpacking equipment appropriate for autumn weather and I on books set along our route, so as to '...
Henry James has beautiful people inside of his head, if only his verbal diarrhea didn't get in the way. Dear Jesus, I wish he knew how to write a short sentence.