by Matthew Iden
"The Winter Over" is a thriller following the descent into chaos of the skeleton crew of forty or so scientsts and support staff who are covering the nine month "Winter Over" shift at the Shackleton research station at the South Pole during the continuous darkness of an Antarctic winter. The stren...
"The Winter Over" is a thriller following the descent into chaos of the skeleton crew of forty or so scientsts and support staff who are covering the nine month "Winter Over" shift at the Shackleton research station at the South Pole during the continuous darkness of an Antarctic winter.The strength...
"The Winter Over" is a thriller following the descent into chaos of the skeleton crew of forty or so scientsts and support staff who are covering the nine month "Winter Over" shift at the Shackleton research station at the South Pole during the continuous darkness of an Antarctic winter.The strength...
This was my Kindle First choice for the month of January. The novel takes place at a research station set at the South Pole in Antarctica. During the summer months, the station is filled with staff/scientists, but for much of the year--the long winter--the place is home to a skeleton crew of 40-od...