by Patrick Rothfuss
How does a man become a myth in his own time, well he does stuff and recounts his adventures to an audience either through stories or songs then lets gossip do it’s thing. The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss is the second installment of The Kingkiller Chronicles framed around the second day of ...
Oh my word it took me way too long to read this book. I started it at the beginning of my winter break, which lasted for a month and which I naïvely thought would give me plenty of time in which to read this 1,000 or so page monster. I was very, very wrong. Still, after an impressively (read as: emb...
~~Moved from GR~~ Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss First of all, I want to point out that I'm in the minority here--scratch that, I'm practically alone in the universe-- in not finding myself enchanted by Wise Man's Fear. On GR alone, there are about 40,000 5-star ratings, about 5,000 positiv...
After I finished The Name of the Wind last year, I found a lot of reviews and comments complaining about Kvothe being a Mary Sue character. I sort of got it, but at the same time, I thought to myself that fantasy characters are all about wish fulfillment, so it makes sense that the main characters ...
huh. I'm a little disappointed. maybe I had high expectations coming off the first. it wasn't bad. I can't put my finger on it yet why it made me .... not as touched as the first. Originally posted on GR in 2011
Bring on book 3.
I was trying to describe this series to my husband, which is a bit of a lost cause. He's not a reader, and when he does read he tends toward sci-fi or non-fiction, never fantasy. But I tried anyway, because I love rhapsodizing about my favorite books and authors.Anyway, this is the analogy I came up...
Building on a theme only basically introduced in The Name of the Wind, Wise Man's Fear is a full-blown exploration of the creation of myths and of storytelling as human endeavor. Songs and stories are nested in layers in Wise Man's Fear, while metered dialogue in the scenes of wooing give Kvothe's ...
*is speechless*