by Shirley Jackson, Lili Béthi
3.5 Stars What an interesting and educational read where Shirley Jackson examines in detail the horrifying true story of accusations, trials and executions that shook the community of Salem Village to its foundations. The famous Salem witch trials began during the spring of 1692 after a group of yo...
I took my time with this one since I found the whole thing so fascinating and also Jackson did a great job of including new information that I have not heard about before. She ends the book with a theory about the girls who started it all being afflicted by a fungus on a bread, but she doesn't seem ...
"By September 22, 1692, Giles Corey and nineteen other persons had been executed publicly. There is no way of knowing the numbers who died in prison. [...] Not one person who confessed to practicing witchcraft was executed. The persons executed were those who insisted upon their innocence. Giles Co...
The editors at Landmark Books knew exactly what they were doing.Shirley Jackson's strengths as a writer were in both the psychology of isolation and small communities, and, in another part of her life, the motivations of the young. The Salem Witch Trials is the perfect pairing for these talents.Writ...
Brilliant. Anyone familiar with Jackson's life and fiction knows that she was the perfect candidate to write a book on this subject. This is an outstanding overview of the Salem trials for readers of any age.I was a little surprised that she brought up the accusation and imprisonment of Dorcas Goode...