The Year of Luminous Love
In the vein of Eat, Pray, Love, but for teens, this inspirational novel is set against the backdrop of Tennessee horse country as well as the historic cities of Italy and the Italian countryside. The story unfolds as three teenage girls, recently graduated from high school, plan the next phase...
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In the vein of Eat, Pray, Love, but for teens, this inspirational novel is set against the backdrop of Tennessee horse country as well as the historic cities of Italy and the Italian countryside. The story unfolds as three teenage girls, recently graduated from high school, plan the next phase of their lives while dealing with immediate life issues. McDaniel subtly explores the many types of love the girls experience--including love for one's family, one's friends, and intimate love--and the sacrifices they choose to make (or not) for each of them.
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Format: hardcover
9780385741712 (0385741715)
ASIN: 0385741715
Publish date: 2013-05-14
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Pages no: 384
Edition language: English
Here's how you know where this book is headed, some of the other title's by this author: Telling Christina Goodbye, Six Months to Live, Don't Die, My Love... you see it right?in the back of the book the author explains why she always writes books like this. (Her son was diagnosed with juvenile diabe...
Love. That is the theme of this book and it is explored in so many ways. It's neat to see the many ways that love can be dysfunctional through the families that hurt one another, and then the sharp contrast of another family who tragedy pulls them together instead of apart and they are close. It als...