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Then and Always - Community Reviews back

by Dani Atkins
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LindaLeest rated it 10 years ago
Het boek begon heel veel belovend, maar ik vond het naarmate het verhaal vorderde toch minder worden. Er zat niet veel diepgang en ontwikkeling in de karakters, en het was vrij voorspelbaar. Het is verder wel een vermakelijk boek wat vlot weg las.
Blah, Blah, Blah, Book Blog
Blah, Blah, Blah, Book Blog rated it 11 years ago
NetGalley called this book Women’s Fiction, but I would shelve it in Chick-Romance. For some reason, I consider Women’s Fiction a notch more serious than this, but maybe that's just me. In any case, the “romance” part of that is not usually my thing, but I am on vacation, so it makes me a little mor...
Bloggeretterized rated it 11 years ago
Then and Always is the American title for the British novel: Fractured by Dani Atkins. I don’t understand the title change, as fractured fits the story better in my opinion. The cover is nice. It for sure attracts the female public the book is directed too. Then and Always is a good story. You can s...
Liz Loves Books.Com.
Liz Loves Books.Com. rated it 11 years ago
Well. Started this today. Finished this today. Cried big buckets of tears, sobbed into my pillow for half an hour now I'm writing this. Do I REALLY need to say anymore? Nope don't think I do. Happy Reading Folks!
No More Booklikes, BYE
No More Booklikes, BYE rated it 11 years ago
Grab your tissues and a box of chocolates. This is one very emotional and beautiful story, it will break you into pieces and finish you off with a bittersweet dream of pure joy. I loved reading it more than any book I’ve read in this gene this year. It gave me hope in my heart for a different ending...
ashwednesday rated it 11 years ago
THE HOOK “For fans of One Day, What Alice Forgot and Sliding Doors”. Well I wasn’t exactly wowed by One Day but while I’m also not a fan of anything Gwyneth Paltrow, I was quite familiar and intrigued with the premise of Sliding Doors. I think I stopped reading the blurb after that and just requeste...
bookishwanderlove rated it 11 years ago
**I received an advanced copy of Then and Always from Penguin Canada in exchange for an honest review and participation in their blog tour.**Thank you to Elizabeth Cameron from Penguin Canada!What if?What if is a simple question with a not so simple (endless) list of possibilities.Everyone has that ...
Abandoned by Booklikes
Abandoned by Booklikes rated it 11 years ago
I have never read a novel by Dani Atkins before. I really did like this novel and will be on the look out for more of her books in the future.The focus of this novel is about Rachel Wiltshire. Rachel is excited to be going off to college with her boyfriend and her best friend nearby. However, while ...
My Never Ending List
My Never Ending List rated it 11 years ago
I finished this book a day ago and I am still grasping at what to write down to not give the book away. This book has me in its grips from the beginning and the ending; well it left me in awe. Dani weaved such an incredible story together, the ending blew me away. Rachel was living the life as a ...
La Mala *the mean girl*
La Mala *the mean girl* rated it 11 years ago
Y después de al menos 15 dnf's (15 novelas que trate de empezar y me crisparon los nervios!!) Al fin pude encontrar un romance mas o menos original . Algunas situaciones fueron cursis y algunos momentos predecibles ... y sin embargo , los giros de la trama , el gran misterio que rodea la historia no...
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